Beauty tips that help boost the immune system

Beauty hacks, tips, tricks and treatments that help boost your immune system. Your beauty and your health are connected. Cold and flu season around the corner? Here some tips for a healthier more beautiful that can beat the cold season. When you think about your immune system most people do not think beauty tricks. How you feel reflects how you look. My last beauty hack that I saved for this post keep and eye on your posture. Having good posture makes you feel better about yourself and helps keep you healthy and lean looking. Do not forget to smile even when you do not want to

#Once Upon A time #Frozen #Make-up Maureen

Make-up tutorial Fan film based on Elsa from ABC’s Once Upon a time #frozen. This is a really pretty look for Sunday brunches or work.
In this video I talk about why adding oil to your mascara is not a good idea.
I also demonstrate a way to make your eyes look bigger with products you already have
Two tone lip color and another way to wear bright lip color.
How you find true red or blue reds based on their names

Tea time

Here is a list of all the beauty treatments or products you can make on your own using tea. If I find any extra ones on the web I will revise this list. One quick important note you can use white tea, or yerba mate to subsitute for green tea when ever needed
The master list to do it yourself today tea treatments
1 toners- My last post was about toners. If you have any questions about this post please, leave them on the comment section below. I also would like to add rose hips to the list of teas you can make toners into. Black tea can also be used to balance oily skin without drying the skin out.

2 hair rinses- Before you prepare for your shower, brew a weak cup of green or white tea. Let the tea sit overnight Use a color applicator bottle or spray bottle to apply the tea to your scalp.
Leave it on for at least 5 minutes and up to 30 minutes. Shampoo and condition as usual. Or use it after you condition Some schools of thought on this are ;use some tea rinses in spray bottles but most seem to just use them as a final rinse after washing the hair. Some rinse the tea out after massaging and letting it sit from 5 to 30 minutes while others leave it in and continue with a deep conditioner. Either way a good deep conditioner is necessary as many find the hair to feel rough after the tea rinse has been applied.Repeat the tea rinse 2 or 3 times a week. If you don’t see any results after 1-2 months it’s best to spend your efforts somewhere else. This rinse might help regrow eyebrows.
Turn gray hairs darker – Rosemary and Sage
Brightening the hair – chamomile for blondes; rooibos, rose hips  hibiscus for redheads; or black tea for dark hair
Reduces shedding hair – Green tea, black tea, lavender
Stimulate hair growth – Green tea, white or yerba mate
Strengthens and thickens the hair – Black tea
Helps with dandruff and psorasis – Green tea, Nettle
Promote hair growth – Hibiscus, rooibos and yerba mate
Black tea can stain lighter hair colors.

3 hair masks- tea, olive oil or coconut oil, egg, and brewed tea. Shampoo let it sit on your hair for at least ten minutes (with saran wrap or a shower cap) rinse and condition. You can add heat with a hair dryer or warm towel to rep the benefits of this mask.

4 black tea foot soak- black tea helps neutralize the pH of skin and helps reduce odor causing bacteria.

5 tea for henna similar to the hair rinse idea adding tea to henna can enhance the color. Bring two cups of water to a boil. Add tea bag and simmer for 15 minutes. Use 1 black tea bag for dark brown to black hair, or 1 green tea bag for blonde to light brown hair. For even better results, after letting the tea simmer, squeeze in the juice from half of a fresh lemon, a pinch of sea salt, and a teaspoon of plain, unflavored yogurt. Let the water sit until it is warm before mixing with henna. I have also seen people add turmeric to henna but turmeric is bright yellow in color. The rules for tea rinse colors apply to henna even clear henna. HENNA IS A STAIN and a pain to color correct. All henna is red because, henna is a red plant. Henna was used in ancient Egypt and still throw out the world for hair treatments.

6 Black tea self tanner- . Take 10 black tea bags (the tea brand does not matter) and boil in hot water.
Let the tea bags sit in the water for about 10-15 minutes steeping.
Remove the tea bags and then let the tea cool to room temperature or less! It may be refreshing to put it in the fridge for a bit, especially in the hot summer months!
Pour into a spray bottle and spray your skin. Air dry and reapply if you want a deeper, darker color. You can also soak in a bathtub and try to fake tan that way. If you do the bath soak your feet will benefit. Hint, hint number 4.

7 you can make your own serums and moisturizers using tea. I do not do this and I do not have tips on this.

8 add tea to a homemade or ready made facial masks. rice powder or flour powder, tea (green, white, hibiscus, rooibos ) honey, oatmeal, yogurt, baking soda and what ever else you have in your home. I have a Youtube video on making leftovers into beauty treatments. <sp> <sp>

9 give an oatmeal bath a boost with skin calming green tea bags. Any tea know for soothing properties also works on dry itchy skin. Green tea, white, chamomile, calendula extra.

10. Tea bags work for sunburn. You can use the tea bag or rag dampen with tea. Green, Earl Grey, black,
chamomile all work for this. I recommend using a cool tea press.

11 use your tea bags on puffy eyes. I swear by this during allergy and cold season. You can use old tea bags just wet them. Cold or warm or which type if tea is a personal preference.

12 body scrubs add it to homemade or store bought for a boost

13 make-up setting sprays just like toners but you want to add vegetable glycerine

14 facial cleanser add tea to them or make your own. Green tea powder, rice flour or oat flour, licorices powder, or vitamin c powder. Will make a non foaming cleanser safe for taking off make-up.

15 steam open your pores with tea. Bring the tea to the point where the pot starts to bubble let it sit and steam clean skin. You can also layer a mask while you steam. This is no where near as strong as a salon facial steamer. This is helpful for when you are sick or blah feeling

16 body sprays

17 some teas work for minor cuts, bruises, and bug bites

18. Black tea bags can help with stinky shoes and bags. Just leave a tea bag in the affected area overnight and it will take the stink out.

18 if I left anything out let me know

What does the fox say?

What does the fox say?

Instead of shopping on Thanksgiving here is an idea for your leftovers